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The Most Competitive Plumbing Company in Florida

Welcome to the On Site Plumber and Leak Detection, your trusted plumbing company in Florida!

20 Years Experience

Plumbing Services

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About Us

Best Plumbing Services That You Can Trust

Are you tired of dealing with constant plumbing issues and hidden leaks? Look no further! Our team of skilled plumbers is here to provide you with top-notch services that will solve all your plumbing problems. From leak detection to repair and maintenance, we have got you covered.

Our Services

What Service We Offer

Check out our best plumbing services in Florida! 

General Plumbing

General Plumbing

Is plumbing giving you a headache? Let us fix the leaks and unclog the worries, so you can relax!

Fixing Pipes

Fixing Pipes

Leaky pipes driving you up the wall? Let us be your pipe whisperer and restore the flow!

Repair Water Heaters

Repair Water Heaters

Is your hot shower turning into a cold surprise? Let us revitalize your water heater and restore the warmth you deserve!

Drain Cleaning

Drain Cleaning

Is your drain giving you a headache? Let us unclog the worries and restore the flow for you!

Leak Detection

Leak Detection

Is a hidden leak wreaking havoc in your home? Let us be your leak detective and put an end to water damage!

Toilet Repair

Toilet Repair

Is your toilet causing you trouble? Let us be your toilet whisperer and restore its functionality with a flush of expertise!

Why Choose Us

The Perfect Solution For All Plumbing Service

Our plumbers have years of experience in the industry and are equipped with the knowledge and expertise to handle any plumbing issue efficiently. We understand the urgency of plumbing emergencies, and that’s why we strive to provide quick response times. When you need us, we’ll be there, ensuring minimal disruption to your daily routine.

Our Vision

Our vision at On Site Plumber and Leak Detection is to become the leading plumbing company renowned for its superior services and customer-centric approach.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide exceptional plumbing services with utmost professionalism, reliability, and efficiency.

Our Projects

Our Latest Projects

For more than 20 years, these are just some of the best projects our team took care!



General Plumbing

The plumbing project aims to install a comprehensive and efficient system that ensures proper water supply, drainage, and sewage disposal throughout the building.



Repair Kitchen Drains

The drain cleaning project focuses on removing blockages and obstructions from the plumbing system to restore optimal flow and prevent backups or flooding.

Leak Detection

Leak Detection

Leak Detection Project

The leak detection project involves utilizing advanced technologies and techniques to identify and locate hidden water leaks within a structure, helping to prevent water damage and conserve valuable resources.



Fixing Pipes Project

The project aims to efficiently repair and replace damaged or faulty pipes in order to restore proper water flow, prevent leaks, and ensure the overall integrity of the plumbing system.

Make Appointment

Using our form above, you can set up an appointment and send us a quick message.

We Arrive Within 1 Hour

As soon as we receive your message and appointment, we'll arrive at your location in the exact time you requested.

Solve Your Problem

With our experts, we'll investigate the issue and solve it for you.

Saving Your Money With Efficient Plumbing Technologies

Contact us now for information of all servuces we offered!

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